Crack Sealing My Parking Lot Before Winter in Hackensack | Hackensack Paving Company

Crack Sealing My Parking Lot Before Winter

Why Do I Have Cracks In My Parking Lot?

Repairing parking lot cracks is one of the most economical ways to increase the lifespan of your pavement. A good pavement maintenance strategy calls for yearly hot-rubberized crack sealing before the winter.

Your pavement endures expansion and contraction during the cold winters when temperatures drop to below freezing. Deterioration of the pavement may result from this expansion and contraction. Potholes, fissures, and eventually complete failure of the asphalt and concrete are caused by the deterioration. If these kinds of fissures aren’t repaired with the right materials, they continue to crack and require costly asphalt replacement.

At the first indication of cracks appearing, a crack-sealing program should be started. Your pavement can receive hot-rubberized sealants at any time of the year. Qualified paving contractors can perform hot-rubberized crack repair prior to any asphalt seal coating or paving project.

The lifespan of your asphalt parking lot can be increased by filling up pavement cracks with a hot-rubberized crack sealer. Crack sealing will increase the value of your parking lot and help property owners save money over time when performed as a routine preventative maintenance program.

In NJ, who makes use of hot rubberized crack sealing?

Apartment and condo complexes, shopping centers, office buildings, industrial parks, and anyone who owns or manages asphalt parking lots are among the following:

Top 5 Justifications for Filling Your Parking Lot Before Winter

1) Watertightness The Cracks: Crack caulking aids in preventing water from seeping into the sub-base.

2) Avoid Potholes: Cracks in your parking lot can eventually erode the asphalt pavement, increasing the likelihood of potholes. This is due to the fact that asphalt changes size in response to temperature changes.

Safety: You will be held legally liable if a customer’s car is damaged or they sustain personal injuries as a result of serious cracks and potholes in your parking lot.

4) Delay The Overlay: Maintaining your parking lot with minor repairs is less expensive than having to replace the pavement.

5) Increases The Life Of Your Asphalt Pavement: Studies have shown that crack sealing, when done as part of a comprehensive preventative maintenance strategy, will increase the life of your parking lot by 10-15 years.

How Much Does It Cost In New Jersey To Crack Seal An Asphalt Parking Lot?

For an asphalt parking lot, crack sealing typically costs $0.60 to $1.10 per linear foot. The price is determined by the total square footage, the amount of preparation work, the breadth and depth of the crack, and the type of materials utilized.